Apparently they weren't paying attention to me....sniff Ahhh...finally :) I forgot when I did I take this...but here it is anyways... Good 'ol high school buddies...but one can't even remember if she met the other one before...weird... These are my friends...yes I know...they're bad to the bone. Chinese represent!
This goes out to a certain someone who means a whole lot to me. Lets see, whenever she appears she's real sweet and charming, yet for some reason or another goosebumps magnificently rise to great my skin. Why I wonder is the air so cold? Little do I know, its in fact the aura that she gives out. That brightly fiery aura, yet a bone chilling presence of doom.
In other words she's telling me, '' I can be nice and playful, but if you get on my wrong side I'll fucking show you who daddy is.''
Well, to make matters concise and short it's my job as friend and heart breaker to keep her company whenever she's at work. In other words, I'm the potentially back up boyfriend (*grins proudly*). Just kidding, no really just kidding ( I'm having those goosebumps again sadly)!
Her goal in life or should I say her current objective at the moment is to unequivocally and stupendously piss as many Middle-Easterns off by either shutting down their satellite connections while they relax in their nice air conditioned rooms or to just provide them with destructive methods on how ruin their days, knowing clear well that all they want is to know how to change their channels.
Well that being said and done, I guess its time I took a break and as a precaution, dig my own grave.
I always believed that holding any form of hate in your heart shall degrade you into something not human. I always believed that showing love to everyone, good or bad, rich or poor, equally it will make the world a more peaceful place. Its hard when someone wants more love than the rest. Love they cannot even comprehend or handle.
My ideals, beliefs, faiths, and contradictions. They are what make me, me. Since my days growing up in the land of turmoil and serenity I've come to better understand the way people think. Why they react the way they do. Why they want to love. Why they want war.
I always anticipated other's movements and reactions. I always anticipate so I myself won't be shocked by the results. So tell me why then. Why has my heart and the very ideals I based my life on seems to be crumbling like bread?
The East is such a magical place for those who know nothing of it coming from the West. It's filled with different aspects on how life began. How love is born and how hate is hatched. Their ideals are that of a one-celled organism. Everything must come into harmony else chaos shall run rampant. I never quite understood how life could exist in such a place and how people could survive in such a system. When I lived and loved, I understood yet I rejected the idea of it.
I have a loved one and she is so near yet, so far far away. Happy I hope. In harmony with herself I pray. My one deepest regret was not telling her how I felt when I had so many chances to. Now she has a loved one of her own and I guess its for the best. In my situation to be with her would be futile and impossible. However, I pray that all is well.
I wonder what the sky is like when you have peace in your heart...
Ever wonder what the sky was like on the other side of the world? People would say that its all the same, but I think that each and every place has its own sky, its own smell, and its own meaning to life and love.
I travelled too far and for too long to forget this simple rule of a nomad. I think its hard being a Third Culture Kid.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is got to be the most scrutinizingly perfect combination of a man's dream and his worst nightmare! Imagine having a proper lap dance then just when you get to the real juicy bits someone goes and shuts you off...just like that =S
Here's a little picture of autumn setting in. I took this outside my window and it looked well gorgeous especially in the morning.
>>>>>>>You see those top windows? Thats our house =D It looks pretty small from the outside, but its cozy on the inside. Speaking of insides, its getting pretty cold now....I can even see my own breathe =S
Hey everyone....or just myself for that matter =S,
I've just changed my blog site from MSN to this thing. Still trying to get used to the new settings and all so bare with me. One of the reasons I moved is because MSN just doesn't cut it out for me anymore. It's too complicated and its got this massive urge to piss me off everyone now and then. You know what they say, ''if you can't beat 'em, go find someone else smaller.''
Anyways, I'm just gonna make it myself once again =S. I wonder what I should put on here....
I love writing, something is going on in my mind every second of everyday. I like to ponder about the most meticulously awkward moments in life. I love music. I have a passion for cooking, especially baking and pastry. I love getting to know new people, new things, and new stories so do drop by and introduce yourself :)
I'm quirky and weird...but i put on a good show =D