Sunday, 28 October 2007

We pay a small price for freedom...

I always believed that holding any form of hate in your heart shall degrade you into something not human. I always believed that showing love to everyone, good or bad, rich or poor, equally it will make the world a more peaceful place. Its hard when someone wants more love than the rest. Love they cannot even comprehend or handle.

My ideals, beliefs, faiths, and contradictions. They are what make me, me. Since my days growing up in the land of turmoil and serenity I've come to better understand the way people think. Why they react the way they do. Why they want to love. Why they want war.

I always anticipated other's movements and reactions. I always anticipate so I myself won't be shocked by the results. So tell me why then. Why has my heart and the very ideals I based my life on seems to be crumbling like bread?

The East is such a magical place for those who know nothing of it coming from the West. It's filled with different aspects on how life began. How love is born and how hate is hatched. Their ideals are that of a one-celled organism. Everything must come into harmony else chaos shall run rampant. I never quite understood how life could exist in such a place and how people could survive in such a system. When I lived and loved, I understood yet I rejected the idea of it.

I have a loved one and she is so near yet, so far far away. Happy I hope. In harmony with herself I pray. My one deepest regret was not telling her how I felt when I had so many chances to. Now she has a loved one of her own and I guess its for the best. In my situation to be with her would be futile and impossible. However, I pray that all is well.

I wonder what the sky is like when you have peace in your heart...

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